Glory Of The Last Days S

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Glory Of The Last Days S' title='Glory Of The Last Days S' />Giving Glory To GodWhether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do all things to Gods glory. Corinthians 1. Giving Glory To God. Authors Note This is a study on what it means to glorify God and how we believers can become more effective at it. Why did I do this study Well, I knew the Bible says that we are to do everything for the glory of God 1 Corinthians 1. I didnt have a clear understanding of what that meant. Obviously it meant something good to please God, to honor Him but I wanted to know more than just the general meaning. I dont remember ever hearing a sermon or reading a book on this subject, although Im sure its been done before. I thought this unusual because it seemed to me to be a very important topic, one that holds the key to a fulfilled, sanctified life and a strong relationship with God. So, I started studying this for the benefit of my own walk with God and I hope this will be of benefit to you also. I am not a writer, and maybe it shows. Some parts are more developed than others, which you should take as opportunities to study more in depth. There is alot more to be gleened here perhaps as much as a study on Gods grace or the diety of Jesus Christ. Next time you study your Bible, try doing so in the light pardon the pun of giving glory to God. Im also a layman I have no formal theological training. As such, dont believe everything I say just because I quote alot of scripture. Study Gods word yourself and study it in context. Im fallible just like everybody else. Glory Of The Last Days Song' title='Glory Of The Last Days Song' />Any good that comes out of this study is entirely due to God. The scripture text Ive used is based on the very literal 1. J. N. Darby translation. Ive modernized some of the older language with the aid of a lexicon for better comprehension and readability. I used the Online Bible while putting this together. Two experts of Martin Luther Kings last speech. He delivered it on April 3, 1968, at the Mason Temple in Memphis, Tennessee. The next day, King was. Whether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do all things to Gods glory. Corinthians 1031. Giving Glory To God. Authors Note. The Glory Of The Last Days SongThe Online Bible is an excellent freeware Bible study program for DOS and Windows. If you feel this has been of benefit to you, please pass it on to a friend. Andrew R. Bernhardt. Introduction. Everything in creation exists for the glory of God, including ourselves. Whatever we do, we are to do for the glory of God. We spread the gospel for the glory of God. We obey Gods word for the glory of God. We submit to those who are over us and we endure suffering and persecution for the glory of God. But what does it mean to glorify God and how can we become better at it That is what I will try to answer in this practical study. ZuGnFZweI/U8vxnPXDidI/AAAAAAAAAfE/fP6XQu7raqg/s1600/FRONTAL.jpg' alt='Glory Of The Last Days Songs Download' title='Glory Of The Last Days Songs Download' />When man boasts about himself, we think he has an ego problem, and rightly so. Do you think it was selfish of God to create us for His glory Your answer to that question reveals what you think about Him. If you think it was selfish of Him, it is a sign that you do not truly appreciate who He is and what He has done for us. His unselfishness was shown in the loving act of sending His only Son into the world to die for us. Would a selfish God give Himself for what He has created No. He didnt have to do anything for us. He could have let justice fall, and we would never have been able to experience the joy of knowing Him. But we were created not just to glorify God but to have an intimate relationship with Him. We are to glorify Him because we can never repay what He has done for us. Love for God and appreciation for what he has done for us should create in us a desire to bring as much glory to Him as we possibly can. It is harder to bring glory to God if you dont love Him as you should. If you feel that you dont love God enough, I suggest taking an inventory of the ways God has shown His love for you, starting with your own salvation. Thank Him for specific blessings every day and your love for God will grow. I have found this to be a big help in my own life. In order to be more effective at willingly and consciously glorifying God, I studied the different aspects of the word glory so I would know what it is and how it is to be given. Since I am not very good at it, I did this study primarily to help me become better at glorifying God, but Im sure all believers can benefit from a study on this very important subject. What Is Glory. In order to understand how to bring glory to God, we must first understand what glory is. I will start with the more general meanings of glory because the glory we are to give to God includes aspects of each of these different meanings. In the Bible, the word glory has several different meanings. It can mean light, beauty, majesty or awesomeness, honorableness, and reveling or boasting, or a combination of these meanings. Light. In 1 Corinthians 1. When you look up into the night sky, you can see hundreds of stars, and the glory of each is different. Some are bright, others are dim, some are reddish, or bluish. The planets also are glorious. Venus is the brightest star in the morning or evening sky. But most often, when glory is used to describe light, it describes the visible light of the glory of God, which is sometimes called the Shekinah glory. In the first chapter of his book, Ezekiel writes of a vision he had while he was at the river Chebar. He saw God above His throne surrounded by light. In verse 2. 8, he writes As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Jehovah. And when I saw, I fell on my face, Ezekiel 1 2. JNDYou may recognize this type of glory in some religious art. It is depicted as a halo around someones head. When Moses was on Mt. Sinai, he asked to see the glory of God Exodus 3. God revealed His goodness to him. Later, when Moses came down with the two tablets of stone that contained the law, his face literally glowed 3. Everyone was afraid to come near him so he had to wear a veil over his face. This is the same type of glory but on a much smaller scale. After the tabernacle was completed, the glory of God filled the tabernacle to the point where even Moses could not enter it Exodus 4. Notice the effect that the glory of God had on people. Ezekiel fell on his face. Moses couldnt approach the tabernacle. The Hebrews were afraid of even the shadow of glory remaining on Moses face. Jesus disciples fell on their face Matthew 1. Paul fell to the ground Acts 9 3 4. The glory of God is so powerful, the Bible says in the future there will be no need for the sun or moon, Gods glory will literally provide the light of heaven And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon, that they should shine for it for the glory of God has enlightened it, and its lamp is the Lamb. And the nations will walk by its light and the kings of the earth bring their glory to it. Revelation 2. Beauty. Second, glory can mean beauty or attractiveness. Some Bibles will translate the word glory as beauty in a given passage. For example, the land of Israel is called the land of beauty or the beautiful land in some translations, but in others, the land of glory Daniel 1. KJV, Amp with NASB, NIV. The word used for glory here, tsebee in hebrew, also means gazelle, an animal admired for its beauty. In Isaiah 2. 8, glory heb. In that day will Jehovah of hosts be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty, to the remnant of his people Isaiah 2. A crown is the same as or very similar to a diadem. Both are headbands worn by royalty. So crown of glory and diadem of beauty have the same meaning. Glory is used to describe the beauty of the kings daughter in Psalm 4. Ten Days of Prayer. Welcome to Ten Days of Prayer 2. We are so thankful that we can start this year with prayer. God has worked many miracles in past years as we sought Him in prayer and fasting. The Holy Spirit has wrought revival, conversions, renewed passion for evangelism, and healed relationships. Truly, prayer is the birthplace of revival We believe your life and the lives of those you pray for will be changed as you join fellow church members in praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, whom the Father has promised to give to those who ask Him. Read the responses of those who participated in the last Ten Days of Prayer. SHADRECK CHARUMBIRA. Thank you Our congregation has been revived, and we have witnessed great unity where there was once division. We have seen Christ in the heavenly sanctuary, and our prayer is to continue to abide in Him. Circle Takes The Square As The Roots Undo. Unity is the marked answer to prayer weve seen so far, and I will send other individual testimonies as they come. GWEN PAKUA, SARAKOLOK KIMBE, WEST NEW BRITAIN PROVINCE, PNG. Thank you for the wonderful program. I was elected assistant prayer ministry leader in our little church. We started our program with a Sabbath of fasting and prayer, then Ten Days of Prayer began on Wednesday. We had a good membership attendance. In answer to our prayers, our local mission appointed a pastor for our congregation, after several years of not having one. Please pray for me and our little church. DANNY MOONIE, DES BARRAS, ST. LUCIA. Our church arranged for a bus to pick up church members nightly for Ten Days of Prayer. This particular driver had often brought members to our usual Sunday and Wednesday night services, then he would return to pick them up afterward. On the first night of our program, someone invited the driver to remain for the service. He did That night he went home and shared his experience with his fiance and encouraged her to attend the next night. They both attended the following evening and were present every night after. Toward the end of Ten Days of Prayer, they spoke with the first elder about their plans to marry soon and follow the Lord. Please keep them in prayer. Every night of these ten days was a blessing. We followed the nightly outline supplied, with the addition of one item. We read episodes from the Scriptures from the life of Christ from the Last Supper to the Resurrection. Every night was Spirit filled. There were nights when we had a total of 4. We felt the presence of God, and I know people were praying for us during that time. May God continue to pour out His Spirit on His church. DORIS JOHNSON, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, USA. The Ten Days of Prayer was a blessing. We experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our speakers, participants, and all who called in on the prayer line. Graham Cracker Berlin. Callers were from five different states and varied denominations. We thank God for using this ministry to reach many souls for His kingdom. BEAULITY DUBE. What a wonderful experience I had during the Ten Days of Prayer. I prayed for the Lord to provide my school feesI had no idea where they would come from. We serve a living GodMy request was answered the second day, and I will forever praise the Lord for His faithfulness to His people. During Ten Days of Prayer 2. Old Testament high priest to see what we can learn for ourlives. We read in The. Desire of Ages Everything worn by the priest was to be whole and without blemish. By those beautiful official garments was represented the character of the great antitype, Jesus Christ. Nothing but perfection, in dress and attitude, in word and spirit, could be acceptable to God. He is holy, and His glory and perfection must be represented by the earthly service. Nothing but perfection could properly represent the sacredness of the heavenly service The Desire of Ages, p. Everything that the priest wore and did was intended to leave a certain impression upon the people Everything connected with the apparel and deportment of the priests was to be such as to impress the beholder with a sense of the holiness of God, the sacredness of His worship, and the purity required of those who came into His presence Patriarchs and Prophets, p. During these days of prayer, we will discover some spiritual lessons symbolized by the priests garments. SUGGESTED GUIDELINES FOR THE PRAYER TIMES. Keep your prayers shortjust a sentence or two on one topic. Then give others a turn. You can pray as many times as youd like, just as you talk in a conversation. Do not be afraid of silence, as it gives everyone time to listen to the Holy Spirit. Singing songs together as the Spirit leads is also a huge blessing. You do not need a piano for this singing acapella is fine. Rather than using up valuable prayer time talking about your prayer requests, simply pray them. Then others can also pray for your requests and claim promises for your need. Claiming the Promises. God has given us many promises in His Word. It is our privilege to claim them in our prayers. All His commandments and counsels are also promises. He would never ask from us something that we could not do in His strength. When we pray it is so easy to focus on our needs, our difficulties, our challengesand to wail and whine about our situation. This is not the purpose of prayer. Prayer is meant to strengthen our faith. That is why we encourage you to claim Gods promises in your prayer time. They will help you take your eyes off yourself and your weaknesses and set them on Jesus. It is by beholding Him that we become changed into His image. Every promise in the Word of God is for us. In your prayers, present the pledged word of Jehovah and by faith claim His promises. His word is the assurance that if you ask in faith, you will receive all spiritual blessings. Continue to ask, and you will receive exceeding abundantly above all that you ask or think In Heavenly Places, p. How can you claim His promises For instance, when praying for peace, you can claim. John 1. 4 2. 7 and say, Lord, You have told us in Your Word, Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Give me the peace that You promised to leave with us. Thank the Lord that He is giving you peace, even though you may not feel it right then and there. We have created a document, Promises to Claim in Prayer, with different promises that you can claim. Exe Apk File Converter. Have the promises nearby when you pray. Claim Gods promises in your private and public prayers. Fasting. We encourage you to do a Daniel Fast during these ten days. Starting the year with prayer and fasting is a great way to consecrate our lives to God for the upcoming year. Ellen White tells us, Now and onward till the close of time the people of God should be more earnest, more wide awake, not trusting in their own wisdom, but in the wisdom of their Leader. They should set aside days for fasting and prayer. Entire abstinence from foodmay not be required, but they should eat sparingly of the most simple food Counsels on Diet and Foods, pp. We know about Daniel, who ate fruits and vegetables for 1. We likewise encourage you to adopt a very simple diet during these ten days. A simple diet that leaves out sugar, processed and refined foods, and sodas can benefit us on different levels. First, eating simply means less time needed to prepare food and more time available to spend with the Lord.